“This program is a good program for kids like me to go have fun experience. I never thought about going rock climbing before Y.E.T.I.. I knew about rock climbing and understood what rock climbing was, but I could not drive myself out to a mountain and would not have the equipment or skills to do it. By the end of the program I could climb and not a lot of people you meet everyday can say they have climbed a rock cliff! Did you know you need a belay device to add friction to a rope and protect the person who is climbing? I can belay people safely and tie my own figure-eight follow-through now. I got to take risks and go to new heights, seeing views that are so much better than what we see on the street everyday. We don’t usually have any after school activities at my school, so getting to do Y.E.T.I. was a way for me to do cool things with my time instead of just sitting around at home.”
– Mohammadou, age 15