Over the last year, Y.E.T.I. delivered more outdoor adventures than ever before. This is all thanks to the dedication of our supporters, volunteers and our program director. It was clear to us, as we delivered programs for middle and high school students, that the limiting factor in young people accessing there public lands and spending time in nature is not desire but opportunity. Opportunity to try something new, opportunity to have the right equipment to take on an adventure and the opportunity to learn and grow outside.
With that in mind, Y.E.T.I. entered the 2022-2023 academic year determined to increase our presence in public schools so we can meet these students where they are and offer more opportunities. Thanks to the investment of the Snoqualmie Tribe, Grayl water filters, The Wilderness Society and our Guardians of Grit we were able to bring on two new educators to round out the Y.E.T.I. staff team.
Sadie Ciccia-strain
Role: Program Coordinator
Hometown: Oak Harbor, WA
Favorite YETI ACTIVITY: Backpacking
FOOD: Italian
Super Power: Making anybody laugh!
Maddie Hollister
Role: Program Coordinator
Hometown: West Seattle, WA
Favorite YETI ACTIVITY: Kayaking
FOOD: Pasta
Super Power: Radiating Calm!
You can read more about our whole team , board of directors, and volunteers here! We are so excited to have Sadie and Maddie part of the Y.E.T.I. family as together we bring new opportunities for outdoor adventure!